Lady in Red

So for the final Problem Solving prject we have to turn one project into a saleable garment. I'm doing the Heart Attack dress and for some reason it makes me wanna dye my hair again.


So as I Youtubed, I stumbled upon Vivalicious' channel. This girl got everything I want/ working for (yes ebonics and bad grammar in FULL EFFECT) Shes a natural (hair, for those not hip. I'm 2 years as of my last birthday:-) she colors, she straightens and her hair is healthy and B- E- A- U-TIFUL. I have a girl crush now. As this relates to fashion.... idk.

Well the way I see it, your whole appearance is not delegated to your clothes, its your hair, shoes, accessories, nail polish and makeup. What you choose to do or not I dont care personally, but things CAN make or break a look. In Black culture hair is a big deal. (And no pun on the actual voluminous styles we can pull off). I love my hair. I wear it down, in twists, curls, wash and go's, weaves, braids, buns, wigs you name it I've done it. I found I'm also capable of pulling off the unorthodox and I'm pretty unashamed and unforgiving about my style. Its MY hair. I don't tell you what to do with yours, unless you solicit it. So I'm red. been a redhead since 2007 (minus my unfortunate blonde stint from 2008-09) Waaaayy before RiRi. But i love it. Its her hair, her style and how she sees herself. And like me she plays with shades and styles so its not boring. Here are some of me faves
love the curls and volume here
one of my weave looks?
yum. and the closest to my actual length

well that being said, don't be surprised if you see me Monday lookin a lil Crayola for Christmas.
also check out Janae's (Vivalicious) Facebook.


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