So Thus Is Life

Hello? Is this thing on?

Never has the title of a blog, or blog post, been so spot on. The last time I wrote a blog post I was a newly married, part time retail associate a year out of college. Not long after that last post I quit that position, went on to be an assistant manager at a much larger volume store for 3 years, and then subsequently quit THAT job when I gave birth to my now 8 month old baby girl we call Nugget. I'm now a SAHM who is trying to enjoy my "free time" with baby girl, but instead I've found myself being commissioned for all sorts of sewing projects. right now I'm in between a prom dress, a matching dress shirt, pastoral robe, and a few alterations. Plus caring for said exclusively breastfed baby. And traveling with husband.


A roller coaster, but I cant wait to share some of the more interesting goings on in my life with you. As we go along, feel free to drop a comment or email if there's something you want to know more about, have post suggestions, or just say hi. First up on the official lineup: Nugget and I's first Mother's Day- with my *wait for it* breastfeeding friendly mommy and me look. Stay tuned!


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