Things. Messy Things. Yummy Things. Simple Things.
So as I promised I'd post other little side projects until the semester heats up again... (During down time at work I actually started developing some preliminary Collection flats and drawings but thats another post...) Because of my Internship I'm living on campus and we had to move halfway through the summer term (two weekends ago). It was hot, I was hormonal, it was my Darling Roomie's birthday weekend and due to events we wont discuss (there was water and sofas involved) she was irritable and we spent the day before cleaning the mess of an apartment we didn't destroy from a party we didn't even throw... (we'll also leave that alone). Then we lost my massive collection of multipurpose life-saving clear thumbtacks which she inadvertently and haphazardly packed with her bath things. By 10p.m. we were a hot mess again. The nice thing about this move is that we worked the system and got to move straight into our apartment for the school year, so no more movin...